Friday, August 20, 2010

Waterfalls Auto Spa - The Saga Continues

So I finally heard from Michael Weaver yesterday. He tells me that the graphics on my car are not factory and if they were factory, they would have a clear coat over them.

What the hell....I asked him if he even bothered to call the local Dodge answer.

Michael did go though the trouble of finding a local company that could possibly fix it and he said the best he could do would be to give me a few free car washes under the table. So you screw up my car and you expect me to come back...I think not!

He says the owner told him they were not willing to do anything to remedy the situation.

I do have to give him credit for trying, it sounded like he was trying to do everything he could for me that didn't involve approval from the owner.

What kind of business man is Al Ierardi when his employees care more about his customers than he does. He sounds like another absentee business owner who only gets involved as little as possible.

We'll I'm going to see how involved he'll get. I've left a voice mail for him....let's see if he returns my call.


Anonymous said...

Dont expect any help from this guy. He treats his employees like shit and even forces them to pay for damage to cars. I know a guy who works there and was asked by the owner to wet sand and buff a scratch on a car. The employee told him that he wasnt comfortable with doing it since he had no experience in doing that work. The owner basically told him that he needed to do it and gave him a 2 second verbal lesson on how to do it. When my friend tried it and burned the paint...the owner made him pay to repair the car. He doesnt car about his employees...or his customers. That place has never been the same since he bought it from the husband and wife and let the guy that used to run the show in the detail shop leave. Good luck but dont hold your breath!!

PS....There is no clear coat over factory installed graphics on that car. He is trying to tell you that because he probably has a sign on his property that claims that he is not responsible for non factory installed accessories. Hire a lawyer and take him to court because those graphics on that car are factory installed...and NEVER clear coated

Anonymous said...

That place has never been the same since the Tschetter's sold it. It went from being a nice family business - with great service - to a second rate place that treats their customers and employees like crap.

Anonymous said...

Still no answer from this jerk? I'm not surprised! He will try to avoid you and avoid you until you forget about it and move on. That's his game. He is terrified of confrontation. That's why he won't return your calls and makes his managers deal with everything. Don't relent. He drives a white mercedes and a blue prius. If these cars are ther he is there. Go in and demand to speak with him. That's what I had to do to finally get him to answer my questions about what he was going to do about the damage to my car. He still denied the damage but once confronted, agreed to work with me.

Anonymous said...

I work there and the employees are treated like shit. Al, the owner, doesent care about the quality of the work done nor the employees, he only cares about making money. Also Carlos and Mike both say we cant fix damages clearly when they are responsible, they just want to cover their ass by not having to report it to Al. On the other hand the employees are really treated like shit, We sit around and wait when there is not business when we were scheduled to work and when we are on the clock and there is no business we get sent home, but when it is busy there is days when nobody gets a lunch break even when we make it clear that we want one so we can eat. there was days that i was made to work off the clock for two hours and work the rest of the day with no lunch break. One day i was shakeing because i havent eaten anything all day and i still didnt get a lunch break. also they hire illegal immigrants some are on the payroll and some get payed under the table, for example one guy was geting payed under the table, he worked for over 8 hours that day and he only got payed $15, now does that sound fair? overall they dont care about the employees or the customers all they care aboutt is the money.

Jim Williams said...

I am really glad you posted this. I almost bought a half-off gift certificate ($30 for $15) online today to use towards detailing service there. I won't be doing that now - thanks for taking the time to post.

Anonymous said...

I am having to deal with a similar situation and it is 2016. I have been searching the internet about this car wash and have come across your posts. What ended up happening?? Was it ever resolved??

Jacob Ackerman said...

No, it was never resolved.